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DX DocHub

Enhance and simplify document management

Requesting, validating, approving and storing documents electronically has never been easier.

Smartly manage your documents without building a new tool

DX DocHub is a document management solution that enables business users to manage, track and manage documents stored electronically. Our accelerator is a sophisticated tool that can be integrated with any OutSystems application, giving comprehensive functionality without development. 

DX DocHub allows you to automate document requests for end users to upload the files your business needs easily. Received documents proceed through automated validation and approval workflows and are stored in the cloud-based storage service of your choice, be it AWS S3 buckets, Azure Blob Storage, Sharepoint and others. You and the business stakeholders have complete control and visibility over the document workflow, while end users are advised of the progress of their documents.

Problems solved

A lack of visibility and control

With documents stored in different locations, you have no visibility of what may or may not be missing

No Delay

Inefficiencies and delays

Looking for and requesting documents is time-consuming

Document storage issues

By not having a system to store and manage your files, important documentation can be difficult to find or lost forever

Workflow Solutions

Repetitive and time-consuming

With multiple applications, your developers will spend a lot of time recreating the same processes.

Expensive due to development and maintenance costs

Make the most of your developer's time by taking advantage of this pre-built component. Reduce time coding.

Main features - For Business Users

DX DocHub - Main Features

Main features - For IT Admins

DX DocHub - Main Features

Main Features - For end users

DX DocHub - Main Features

Find out more about DX DocHub. Download the product sheet now.

DX DocHub Product Sheet