Our team, the PhoenixDX Champions, emerged victorious, winning 1st Place at a recent OutSystems Hackathon. This was a global event that was open to over 350 OutSystems partners.
Our team chose to support Zer0Hunger, a not-for-profit organisation in Malaysia with a mission to end hunger in their region. Watch this 1-minute highlight video.
Our solution was designed to quickly and easily connect people in need with partners and donors, making it easier for Zer0Hunger to streamline food delivery, medication and raise funds.
We will not stop here. PhoenixDX will support Zer0Hunger and make the app rollout as soon as possible. Watch the full demo video now (7 minutes).
We are very proud of the PhoenixDX Champions team. Our team worked night, day and on weekends to deliver a prize-winning solution. They did a fantastic job in only 3 weeks, whilst still delivering for our customers’ projects!
Thank you to our amazing team. You went above and beyond! You are an example of how a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.