eBook: Why IT struggles with innovation – and what to do about it

How to Overcome IT's Roadblocks with Application Development: Unleashing Innovation

Innovation faces challenges with escalating demand for custom software coupled with a shortage of technical talent. The traditional software development methods cannot keep up with digitisation’s relentless pace. This combination hampers growth and stifles innovation. To remain competitive, companies must prioritise a robust digital strategy. These obstacles are why it’s so difficult to keep up.

Legacy: Technical debt, including outdated systems requiring specialised skills. Seventy-one per cent of organisations are spending more time maintaining legacy apps than they are on innovation. 

People: Legacy IT mindsets hamper agility, fostering a disconnect with business needs and escalating competition for development talent, raising staffing costs.

Time: Inefficient tech stacks cause developers to grapple with a backlog, leading to slow and outdated app development.

Cost: Legacy systems, technical debt, and specialised skills inflate costs, hinder scalability, and cause inefficiencies in app development.

You can turn this around. Discover in our eBook Why IT struggles with innovation – and what you can do about it.