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Fast, efficient & secure access to user accounts

Effectively manage user accounts within a complex enterprise apps landscape via a unique access control system

Decentralise user account management

DX Grant enables IT Administrators to delegate responsibility for granting access to applications to the people who know them best. 

Nominated Product Owners can assign app-specific user access, roles and permissions to team members with hands-on application knowledge.

IT Administrators retain visibility of all user accounts for each application, improving governance and compliance.

Problems solved

No Delay

No more lengthy delays

Product Owners are no longer dependent on IT Administrators to grant or change user access.

Reduced administrative burden

Delegating responsibility for granting user access reduces the administrative workload of IT Administrators.

No separate accounts for QA testing

Product Owners can temporarily assign roles and permissions to QA testers, eliminating the need to create separate additional user accounts.

Workflow Solutions

No continuity issues when staff go on leave

The login impersonation function allows nominated staff to pick up reigns when key staff are on leave, without having to create additional user accounts.

Main features

DX Grant Main Features

Find out more about DX Grant Download the product sheet now.

DX Grant Product Sheet